Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Promotional Card From Tag Force 6: Crimson Blader

Crimson Blader
FIRE AttributeWarrior/Synchro/Effect Level 8 2800/2600
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: Your opponent cannot Normal or Special Summon Level 5 or higher monsters during their next turn.

A great Level 8 monster with a very interesting effect, useful in any deck that Synchro Summons. With 2800 ATK, same as Scrap Dragon's, not much gets over it in battle, and if it kills a monster, then your opponent will not be able to Special Summon anything big as a response to Crimson Blader.

Large targets include Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, Master Hyperion, Archlord Kristya, Dark Armed Dragon, basically any Synchro monster, and Fusion Monsters. The card provides just a little bit more protection against those cards by preventing them. Sure, your opponent could decide to not summon a monster for you to destroy, so they can try and get their boss monster out the next turn, but is it worth taking 2800+ direct damage, potentially? In Plant Decks, it's very easy to take advantage of an empty field, with cards such as Trishula, Spirit Reaper, and other cards that knock cards out of your opponent's hand, possibly knocking that boss monster out of their hand, foiling their plans.

Weaknesses that this card has is that it obviously does not stop XYZ summons, though not many XYZ monsters currently can get over Crimson Blader, with the exception of Wind-Up Zenmaines, and Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction (but that card is bad unless you have a Skill Drain active on the field, or something). Sure, there are XYZ monsters that have effects that can destroy it, but often they need Level 5 or higher monsters to Special Summon them.

That's all for now, not much else to discuss, currently.

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