Monday, October 10, 2011

Chappy: Main Character and Professional Topdecker

I can't into introductions properly.
My handle is Chappy usually, and i prefer to be called Felix by my friends. (But I still don't like being called Felix. I know I'm insane)
I am 17 years old hitting 18 soon. I've started to play Yugioh at locals with Blackwings and it is a neat environment there. On DuelingNetwork I enjoy using underpowered archetypes and improving them.
It goes without saying I know what I'm doing even if I don't hop on the mainstream stuff like Tengu and Tour Guide. Anyhow, I lack the ability to write coherently so let's just pretend I said everything I wanted to and uh look forward to my posts along with the rest of the team. It'll be worth your while.

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