Monday, October 10, 2011

tcg tgs;an amalgamation of broken cards

This deck, I like to call TCG TG is as you can tell at a glance, a combination of powerful engines and cards like tengu, tour guide, sangan, gorz, BLS and the Tech Genus engine. Tour guide is easily the best card in the deck - making almost any hand really powerful,either by xyz or simply fetching sangan, as long as it doesn't get veilered,particularly it allows you to run bls consistently despite only running 2 lights in the maindeck, and utopia and wonder magician in the extra deck.

Next, let's take a look at the other whored out TCG exclusive that's been in every deck, Reborn tengu. this card has lots of uses, maintaining field presence and blocking attacks early game synchroing without losing any card advantage - sometimes Gaining it even. Both of these TCG exclusives are powerful and serve many purposes in the deck.

Then, we have the TG engine. Striker and warwolf both have effects that lead to free synchros, With striker's pseudo cyber dragon effect,and warwolf's effect that synergizes with special summons in general, you can make a level 5 - such as TG wonder magician which is an amazing level 5 and a Light. The other effects that they all have is tutoring each other, meaning all kinds of creature swap shenanigans and making it hard for your opponent to steal your card advantage in general

another very handy thing this deck has plenty of is the "hand traps" - monsters that have effects that activate from the hand in your opponents turn - veiler is the most common one and for obvious reasons - negating an effect in this meta is very powerful, doubly so when it's not vulnerable to heavy or veiler,aside from that it's a tuner and if you are put into a situation you can summon it for synchro shenanigans. Maxx "C" is a great advantage card, you generally go + off of its draw effect or force your opponent to make an unsatisfactory play. Gorz and Tragoedia are boss monsters that can be summoned when you take damage, tragoedia generally has above average attack in this deck and can lead to synchro and Overlay options with its other effects, gorz is a level 7 on top of generally summoning 2 Beatsticks with its token effects, so that's more synchro options if you need.

The spell and trap lineups mostly explain themselves, avarice lets you + more while recycling your bullshit cards, allure is great drawpower, mind control is practically staple in any deck post-xyz, creature swap is the one card that's more of a tech choice - you could easily replace it with smashing ground as an out to troublesome cards like thunderking rai-oh, the biggest weakness to the deck.

The sidedeck is pretty basic as I've only participated in one relatively small tournament, but until I have more time to work on it, it gets the job done

Overall I'd say this build is very powerful and versatile in play, but not without its weakness - thunder king rai-oh,mind crush, and dimensional fissure are all problems for the deck. But it's still very fun and worth giving a shot in my opinion

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