4 Star Beast/Effect
This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Deck. You can banish this face-up card you control; Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower Normal Monsters with the same name from your Deck. Destroy them during the End Phase. The effect of "Rescue Rabbit" can only be activated once per turn.
At first glance, Rescue Rabbit seems like an overpowered card that will break the format upon it's official release, but once you closely examine Rescue Rabbit you realize that it has arguably as many cons as it does pros.
The Pros
Firstly, the card seems format breaking because it can basically make any Rank 4 Xyz Monster, Mainly Evolzar Laggia or Verz Bahamut for their back-breaking effects. Secondly, this card can be used with cards that resummon advanced monsters to pump out one Rank 4 Xyz Monster a turn, Leviair the Sea Dragon is the most abusable of these because of Tour Guide from the Underworld's ability to pop out a quick Rank 3 Overlay. Thanks to cards like Leviair, it is extremely easy to access your Extra Deck Toolbox.
When I say Extra Deck Toolbox I refer to the many different options Rescue Rabbit and Tour Guide open in your Extra Deck. For example, if your opponent has a Banished Glow-Up Bulb, you can summon Tour Guide, go into Leviair and grab their Bulb for an easy Synchro Summon. Alternatively, if your opponent has a monster that needs to be handled like Chaos Sorcerer or Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En, you can go into Number 17: Leviathan Dragon or even Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction to get over their monster. What you Xyz Summon with Rescue Rabbit is situational. For example, if you have many defensive traps to protect your plays, you can go into Lavalval Chain and set up for a Trishula play next turn (I will explain this play at the end of the article.)
Overall, Rescue Rabbit with Tour Guide gives you a massive toolbox in your Extra Deck that can pump out a unique blend of devastating plays. However, it is still not a perfect engine.

While Rescue Rabbit has a massive toolbox, it has it's share of drawbacks. The largest of these drawbacks is that Rescue Rabbit requires roughly six Normal Monsters to be functional. A deck purely based on Rescue Rabbit will usually run 3 Kabazauls and 3 Sabersaurus, to pump out Evolzar Laggia. Normal Monsters are essentially dead draws, and if you get multiples of them your chances of winning are lower than being turn 1 Trap Dustshooted. Some remedies that people have been trying out are Moray of Greed for Kabazauls or Allure of Darkness for Verz monsters. While Allure of Darkness is an excellent card to remedy this problem, Moray of Greed itself is very often a dead card itself.
Now, you may be thinking that Agents run an even worse Normal Monster (Mystical Shine Ball), yet that deck is one of the best in the format. This may be true, but you must consider two things that are important to this drawback. Firstly, Venus can Special Summon Shine Balls from your hand, where Rescue Rabbit cannot Summon Normals from your hand, keeping them dead. Secondly, Agents are a much more destructive deck than Rabbit, making this downside less of a problem. Rabbit Decks play more like a Desruptive Beatdown deck, and this type of deck feels the weight of those dead cards that much more than an outright Agressive Beatdown deck.
Overall, I personally believe the Pros do outway the Cons, making the deck very much worth playing. In Part II, I will go into more detail regarding the many types of decks that can use Rescue Rabbit effectively, as well as many of my suggested cards for Rabbit Decks.
Here is a simple combo that uses the Rabbit and Tour Guide Toolbox, I referenced it earlier in the post.
Two Turn Lavalval Chain Trishula
T1: Play Rescue Rabbit, go into Lavalval Chain. Detach one material from Chain and topdeck Tour Guide for next turn.
T2: Summon Tour Guide, go into Leviair. Detach one material from Leviair to Special Summon Rabbit back. Special Summon 2 Level 4 Normal Monsters with Rabbit. Detach Second Material from Chain, Mill Glow-Up Bulb. Special Summon Bulb, Synchro with both Normal Monsters and Bulb into Trishula.
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