Sorry for the lack of updates, I personally have school. Also I'm very lazy.
Counter Trap
Negate the activation of an Effect Monster's effect that activates in the hand or Graveyard, and remove it from play.
I've recently been testing Debunk for my side deck and I've seen excellent results. It hits so many decks in the meta hard enough, I've even considered main decking it. The only thing stopping me is how it can end up as a dead card, slowing down my deck. I would consider it for the main deck of a Counter-Fairies build.
Large Targets

The plant engine is broken by this card. While Lonefire Blossom can still work through a Debunk, usually giving them a Formula Synchron; cards like Dandylion, Glow-Up Bulb, and Spore all fall at this card.
T.G. Variants also die to this card. Not only does it stop all T.G. searching business, but it also cuts off Reborn Tengu. Unfortunately, it cannot stop them from special summoning Striker, then Warwolf, then normal summoning Rick Ross and going into Trish.
Fableds and Dark Worlds all get smashed by this card, as all of their effects activate in grave or in hand.
X-Sabers get cut off from Darksoul and Emmersblade, shutting down their set ups for large synchro plays.
Blackwings lose Vayu, which is arguably their best card at this point.
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