The Wild West Deck of Yugioh
Infernities are an archetype consisting of All Dark attribute monsters with mostly fiends. It prioritizes on filing its graveyard with Infernity monsters and emptying out the user's hand. This Article will explain the many strategies and techs they may utilize. Warning; Infernities are more complicated than Gravekeepers so this article will be substantially longer than My Last Deck Profile.
The Main Players

Infernities generally stick to Infernity Archfiend, Infernity Necromancer, Infernity Mirage, Infernity Beetle and Infernity Avenger. All of which are effect monsters which require an empty hand to activate. Archfiend and Necromancer hold the most important effects for getting the gears in motion.
I've seen plenty of builds running Infernity Randomizer because of it's draw effect but I personally don't think of it to be as effective as the the other five.
With Infernity Archfiend there are several advantages and disadvantages. Archfiend's effect can target any infernity monster/spell/trap. This makes it part of the consistency engine within Infernities. What it also does is open its user up for misplays if they lack the ability to properly understand the deck. While you may gain a card from special summoning it, it will place a handicap on the rest of your Infernities if you search a card you can't remove from your hand. The common play is search out an infernity monster if you haven't normal summoned yet, or to fetch Infernity Barrier/Infernity Launcher.
Infernity Mirage is the next item of this deck. Its abilities are somewhat a combination of Infernity Beetle and Necromancer. Tributing this card to summon 2 Infernities from the grave is a powerful effect that is essentially a floating Infernity launcher. What balances this card is the fact that it can't be special summoned from the grave, but there are a number of ways around this. Using Monster reincarnation is an amazing tech to emptying the hand along with getting mirage back or Hundred-Eyes Dragon, but I'll elaborate more on Hundred-Eyes Dragon after I've explained the rest of the Infernities.
Infernity Necromancer is the card that abuses the grave the most in Infernities. Its purpose is to simply special summon any Infernity that isn't itself while the users hand is empty. This effect can allow you to synchro with Beetle/Avenger, search with Archfiend, or simply create more field presence. Necromancer's stumble ability makes it a lot safer to normal summon it, with an attack of 0 and no more, being automatically swapped to defence mode is an effect that only banes Infernity Barrier but it makes up for it by special summoning a new monster in attack mode if desired. There are obvious disadvantages to this card though, such as not having a grave. This applies to Infernity Mirage as well.
There isn't much to say about Infernity Beetle. A Good card that can duplicate itself to thin out the deck and also fill up the grave. It's a tuner that makes things happen really. Even if there are no materials to synchro with, there is always the choice of overlaying into Gachi Gachi Gantetsu. The only disadvantage to beetle is opening/drawing multiples. Which can be made up for with Infernity Inferno or Infernity Launcher.
Hundred-Eyes Dragon is just a neat card that any Infernity build should run. Like many Infernity effects, it requires a decent grave. Its ability is to banish any Dark Monster under level 6 and imitate its effects. This means Dark Grepher can also be targeted along with any of the five Infernities previously discussed. Hundred-Eyes Dragon is essentially one of the most flexible cards Infernities can use and with 3000 Attack, why not?
The Support
Infernities rely on using Spells and Traps just about as much as Gladiator Beasts do. See the perks of Backrow is that you can set up to five, where as you can only play 1 Infernity Monster from your hand generally. It is the simple solution to a clogged hand.
Allure of Darkness is a fantastic tech in Infernities, not just because they're mostly Dark monsters, but because It will also remove a monster to prevent clogged hands. The disadvantage of this is that you will lose an Infernity, but the advantage generally outweighs the cost and may even gain from the cost.
Call of the Haunted and Monster reborn are obvious additions to this deck as they special summon from the grave or just loiter on the field for reduced hand presence.
Infernity Barrier is literally the best protection Infernities have, making it worthy of its name. What I can not stress more about this card is the fact that you absolutely have to be playing the deck properly in order to use it. It is not as flexible as solemn judgment, but it does cover all activation types.
Infernity Inferno = Hand Eater, Grave Filler. Absolutely necessary in Infernities. Toss out the cards you don't like and thin out your deck while you're at it. Completely Chain-able and a part of the Infernity Consistency Engine. This also explains Foolish burial being used to further thin the deck and create more targets for various Infernity effects or revival cards.
Infernity Break is yet another trap card used by Infernities that once again relies on grave presence and being empty-handed. The good thing about it is that you can select any Infernity card to activate the effect. This means you can use an old Infernity barrier instead of your monsters.
Dark Grepher is a floating Infernity Inferno, making it useful for emptying your hand and adding to the grave but a flaw that mustn't be overlooked is that grepher has little use if you hold no monsters. What makes it a risky card but also apart of the Infernity Consistency Engine is that it helps you start off but can hurt the deck if you draw it alone.
One for One is simply a tech that infernities could use considering they use avenger and mirage. If the targets for one for one were no longer in the deck, it could still be set to avoid hand cluttering.
Maxx "c" and Effect Veiler. These two cards are not exactly popular in Infernities, considering they are hand activated cards but something to consider is that maxx "c" can be sent to graveyard whenever the user wishes, while Effect Veiler only needs an opponents monster on their field during their turn. On paper it sounds situational but what are the odds of your opponent not having an effect monster out on their turn?
Next up is Infernity Launcher. This card is limited to 1 and with good reason really. It's purpose is to empty your Infernity monsters into the grave or bring back monsters you've sent to the grave. This pretty much is where your opponent feels like scooping, especially if you have a healthy Infernity grave with Necromancer and Archfiend. While a limited to 1 card doesn't seem to be all that worth it, it is searchable by Archfiend making it easier to get and easier to win.
Pretty Much Covered Eveything but some of the Side-deck so I'll just get to that now.
Debunk is sided in because sometimes you may come up against cards that rely too much on the grave to use their effects but while Infernities use the grave as their 'second hand', only Mirage and Beetle's effects resolve in the grave (Avenger's activates in there too i guess). Debunk is the answer to a lot of monsters like Grapha, Discard Search Monsters like Hecatrice, Elemental Hero Captain Gold, and what would bother Infernities the most; Effect Veiler and Maxx "C".
Snipe Hunter is side-decked incase the deck comes across monsters that can't be destroyed by battle and the like. It's an easy to piece together tech as snipe hunter can discard an unlimited number of cards. Snipe Hunter can also be replaced by Fabled Raven if you desire as Raven can also empty a hand of monsters if need be.
Lastly, Mind Crush. I personally don't like main-decking mind crush, but Infernities are one of the few archetypes that can profit substantially off this card. Simply put, Mind crush can empty a hand but it can also be set back by the fact that you can't activate this without a hand.
All of my praise if you're still reading this attentively. Thanks for reading, Until next time.
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