Before we begin, I just want to get two things out of the
-We are NOT going to insult your intelligence by giving you
builds that are untested or “undertested”. You don’t deserve it and we don’t
have the nerve to do it to you; some YGO columnists will but we won’t. I’ve
played over three-hundred RATED matches with this archetype in DN’s 1400+
metagame, so I can safely say I know what I’m doing. At Yugibro, we won’t write
about it if we don’t know about it. It’s as simple as that.
- We here actually understand
that every player has their own accustomed style. We’re not telling you to copy
us card for card; we’re giving you some ideas to build from. Take what you want
to from what we give you, that’s how we do things around here. We’re not going
to write pretentious crap about how you need to up your “mind games” or become
a zen “draw master”. We aren’t going to tell you to take a shower before
regionals, or how the latest steaming pile of dung will become tomorrow’s
metagame (Quite a few self-proclaimed deckbuilders going around hyping Haze Beasts
lately). We’re writing articles about YGO, for YGO players. That’s all there is
to it.
I’ve been very reserved for the past couple of weeks ever
since Chicken was released in the OCG. Even though I have tested the deck to
what feels like perfection, I felt as though I should wait and see what the OCG
Overlords do with Chicken and Wolfberk. The result was not pretty. Granted, my
first level 3 build looked similar to what is commonly played in the OCG as of
today, but over time with some solid advice and proper testing I gained a
pretty good understanding of what works and what doesn’t.
Now as I said earlier, I’m not writing this so you can copy
my build card for card. In fact, I’m saying quite the opposite. You should play
what you feel MIGHT work, but also be aware that certain things shouldn’t be
touched (3 Chicken and 3 Spirit are staples in level3 fists! Snake is a waste
of space! Don’t mess with what works!).
(If you are already familiar with this deck please don’t
bother reading this section, it’s not required to read at all. This is for
those who are unfamiliar with the deck, or are still skeptical about it.)
Alright now this is something I’ve been meaning to address
for a long, long time. I’ve been playing this archetype since November of last
year and it was pretty clear what the core playstyle was. However, as more
cards were released (ie Chicken and Wolfberk), the dynamics of the deck changed
overnight. Now there really is no definite playstyle, as the options just
radically opened up for the level 3 build.
If I had to REALLY narrow it down for you though, it would
be to build advantage with Chicken while hitting the opponent’s sources of card
advantage with Bear, Monkey, Beastgod and Cardinal. Or alternatively, if you
have knowledge of what your opponent is playing, just flat out put them in
soft-lock by dropping Swallow on the board. Cards like Kongo, Tenken, and
Tensen can be classified as deterministic cards, because if you set them
directly from the deck your opponent obviously knows what is coming. The point
of those cards is to limit the options your opponent has. Setting Tensen from
the deck will prevent any attempt to gain advantage from battle (Even if they
use a card like Forbidden Lance, it will not matter as much. Consider them
using Lance and as solid minus, especially if you are trying to setup your
grave for Spirit.), Tenken will prevent any effects MP1 that will put you in a
compromising position (Dark Hole, BLS effect, etc.), and Kongo will almost
always shine if your opponent merely sets a single card. If their memory fails
them, you can always take advantage with these cards. This is a great deck for
those that like to aggressively control the game without too much setup.
My build which I have affectionately dubbed: "Horsecock Turbo" (Rekindling version is jokingly called OMEGA, because Rekindling is a 1 card OTK! Once you see that card, it's the end for you!)
The combo with nothing on the field is Spirit into Leopard/Chicken into Sirius into Rekindling into Horse into Chicken or Leopard depending on what was summoned via Spirit into Bear or Monkey then use Leopard or Chicken to get Tensu on the board.
2400+2200+1500+1600+400= 8100 dmg and this is only with one dance spell active and absolutely nothing on the field before Spirit into Sirius
The combo with nothing on the field is Spirit into Leopard/Chicken into Sirius into Rekindling into Horse into Chicken or Leopard depending on what was summoned via Spirit into Bear or Monkey then use Leopard or Chicken to get Tensu on the board.
2400+2200+1500+1600+400= 8100 dmg and this is only with one dance spell active and absolutely nothing on the field before Spirit into Sirius
Hawk should be considered a staple at 1 in the Chicken build,
but because many still doubt this card even with easy access to Horse, I’ll
have to explain why.
2800 Horse MINIMUM, which will get you over anything the
meta can throw at you within reason granted you cannot destroy the target via
Gets his effect under Macro Cosmos
Puts on average 1k-2k extra damage on the board, which is
enough to OTK with an extra Fire Fist or give you enough damage to swing for a
Swallow is decent sideboard material. Putting him on the board is easier than people think. Simply
search for him with Chicken, and if you don’t have Spirit in hand just synch
for Horse into Raven to tribute summon Swallow. On summon he will net you a +2
granted you tribute Raven (the entire combo is a +4). His continuous effect
will push your opponent into a soft-lock, and in some matchups this card is a
win condition (To name a few: HEROs, Merlanteans, Inzektors, Verz Rabbit). Keep
in mind this card also alleviates the problems this deck has with Effect Veiler
and Forbidden Lance. The fact that this card is level 5 puts a lot of people
off, but honestly…why would you want to get rid of this card? This is a 2-3k
beater with a hexproof effect, you don’t want this removed from the field.
For those that aren't aware:
Prerequisite- Tensu or Fire Formation on the field, Chicken
in grave, Spirit in hand
Now…Spirit into Chicken, Chicken into Swallow, Chicken into
Tensu if you don’t already have it out, Horse into Raven, Raven into Swallow,
both effects will trigger and pull a Tenki(Of course all tutors are situational…you
may want a Kongo!) along with whatever protection you may need; a very easy
play with a very easy +4. Congrats, you are now hexproof!
Fire Formation - Kongo
Wikia’s effect: When
this card is activated: Target 1 face-down Spell/Trap Card your opponent controls; it cannot be activated while this card is face-up on the field. Your opponent cannot activate the targeted card
in response to this card's activation. All Beast-Warrior-Type monsters you control gain 100 ATK.
Not a lot of players are talking about this. That’s disappointing,
because I absolutely LOVE this card. Depending on your opponent’s field, you
might want to switch out a dead Tenki for this using Chicken, or summon Panther
through Horse to bring this out. It is absolutely killer in lategame, and if
used in conjunction with Monkey or MST you can really do some serious damage to
your opponent. The best part, I mean the absolute BEST part about this card is
that you can prevent Gorz when you opponent tries to bluff it or bring it out
by setting Compulse or DP. A large percentage of DN’s playerbase are unaware
that gamestate is open when you set a card, so you might get away with a few things
here and there if your opponent isn’t that knowledgeable. What I mean by this,
is when you use Chicken to set Kongo from the deck they have a window of
opportunity. If they pass it up, then you’re free to do some damage. I can’t
begin to count how many times someone has passed up the chance to activate
Threatening Roar when I set this card from the deck. Hopefully those of you
unfortunate enough to see this on the board can respond accordingly now.
Run this at 1, just because you can search it out. If it had
the words “When this card is activated: You can…” I would run 2. The reason
being, you can use it in conjunction with Chicken 1st turn to set
you up for Spirit. Unfortunately the effect is mandatory so you have to use it
when your opponent has a card set in the s/t zone.
I’ll save you guys some time and list the best and
the worst from what is currently relevant, rather than giving you the full
blown rundown.
HEROs –Swallow can be considered a wincon here. Very easy to
outadvantage HEROs, Tenken and Kongo can throw the HERO player out of rhythm. Anything
they have maindecked can be run over by any of the beaters under the influence
of Tensen.
Chaos – Bear hits their sources of card advantage. Their
opening play, set 1 go, is easily answered with Bear. Tensen/Hawk makes Horse large
enough to not be run over by their big monsters and Swallow shuts the Chaos player
Prophecy – Unfortunately for Prophecy, the game is played on
the field not in the hand. Any defense they may have such as Trag, easily
answered with Bear. Monkey can hit sources of card advantage such as Tower, and
Prophecy have a natural weakness to OTK decks since they cannot commit to the
field on turn 1 or most likely run little protection. Once you go hexproof with
Swallow, there isn’t much the Prophecy player can do.
Merlantean- Once again, Tenken shines in this matchup. It
will throw the Merlantean player out of rhythm, and doubles as being bait for
Marksman. Monkey will cause Abysspike to miss timing if summoned by Abysslinde,
and Bear once again will hit whatever they commit to the field. Once you go hexproof, the Merlantean player can only run over Swallow or blow up the field
with Blackrose. Luckily, Tensen and Tenken shine in both situations
Verz Rabbit- Bear, Swallow, and card advantage. All I have
to say. We have access to Rivalry in the sideboard, the stun created by Ophion
is laughable at best, and 1950 is the least of our worries. If you are in
endgame and you have Spirit in hand with Chicken in the grave, you’ve already
Chain Burn- This duel is like watching a dog bleed to death. Just use standard Chain Burn tactics, and game 2 try to get Rivalry up to prevent Lava Golem.
Anything that makes use of Skill Drain- Unlike Macro Cosmos which can be easily countersided against with IIW, my only sideboard to make use of this matchup is Malevolent Catastrophe. So I pretty much have to wait until I draw into MST, Heavy, or Malevolent to counter this card.
Chain Disappearance is making a comeback. Expect this card
to see a lot of play in the LTGY meta. It hits many common matchups like Prophecy
(though don’t bother using this vs Prophecy, there is a better side I will
explain later), Six Samurai and even the mirror match! Expect this card to be
used against you when you are playing against a deck that cannot afford to use
Skill Drain or Macro Cosmos. It also hits rogue matchups like Dragunity,
Karakuri, so on and so forth. With so many decks relying on graveyard setup,
this is shaping up to be great sideboard material.
I know what you’re thinking. “Oh but Neo, Fire Fist relies
on backrow! This card is suicide!” Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t. The
level 3 build, now more than ever, can give you formation production from
absolutely NOTHING. Panther, like Chicken, has once again changed the dynamics
of the deck. Before you had to summon Raven/Hawk via Horse and crash into a
monster to get some formation production, now it’s easier than ever. The net
loss from this card is negligible; just remind yourself that with this deck…every
loss for your opponent is an even greater gain for you. There are some pretty
neat combos with Bear/Gorilla and Tensen with this card as well, granted you
would have to activate Tensen in response to the attack. The faster you push
into endgame with this deck, the easier it is to out-advantage your opponent
and dismantle whatever hope he may have left. Always remember this.
I have never met a backrow I agreed with. I absolutely hate
crashing into backrow. Any backrow heavy deck such as Gravekeepers, HEROs, even
Wind-Ups and Dino/Verz Rabbit to an extent will hate this card. I’ve used it in
hundreds of duels, and it has a lasting effect once it is used. I know I said I
wouldn’t give you any “mindgames” malarkey, but this card can actually give you
a legitimate psychological advantage. Once they see it, they will try and play
around it. Whether it be setting less, or simply not attacking into it. This
can work to your advantage, as mentioned earlier you can easily dismantle a “set
2 go” with MST/Gorilla and Kongo. I usually side this in if I am playing a
backrow heavy deck and the rest of my sideboard cannot hit it OR when I go 2nd
in the next game vs a deck like Wind-Ups. Always take turn order into account
when you side!
I love this card, I really do. This has worked so well in
the mirror, vs Prophecy and Merlantean as well. As you guys already know, you
can chain this to Priestess or Megalo’s effect. I use this in conjunction with
Imperial Iron Wall when playing vs Prophecy. You can also pull off some pretty
clutch defensive plays in late game if you need to!
This card is primarily used to counterside vs Macro Rabbit,
and decks that can make use of Macro. It also doubles as protection vs DP/BTH,
so it has some generic use as well. This card can stun the Prophecy player, but
not to the point where he can do nothing.
Soul Drain and Rivalry are self-explanatory wincon cards; I
don’t think I need to explain why they are in the sideboard at all. You guys
are good enough to know. Gemini Imps is just preference; I prefer to have them
in there because Dragged Down to the Grave gets me salty.
My Dueling Network username is Neodasus
If you want to see the deck in action, I usually duel from
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM PST. Spec me as I try to make it to the #1 spot for matches! Maybe
I’ll try to get a deep YCS run after the next set, we’ll see!
Alright guys, I hope I've been of some help to you. Maybe
you changed your mind about something, or maybe you learned something new? Either way, thanks for reading.
Believe in the will2skill, and flame on!
Are there ducks in fire fists?