You're probably sitting here bouncing off the walls thinking, "Neo has lost it, how can a deck that is SO broken be OUT of Tier 1?" It's quite simply really. The strength of Fire Fist comes from its ability to hit the opponent's sources of card advantage while bolstering your own. However, this ability was greatly exaggerated because of how softly everything in the 9/1/12 metagame could plus. Yes, there is such a thing as a soft and hard plus. We've gotten to this point in Yu-Gi-Oh where sometimes a +1 just isn't enough. Now is this alone the reason why Fire Fist isn't as good as it used to be? No, not at all. Even if your opponent could out-advantage you, you could always rebound and whether the storm and eventually claim a win in explosive fashion -- whittling down whatever your opponent had to stop you. No, this is more than just simple arithmetic that is weighing this deck down. It's more than that, absolutely more than card advantage. You see, the ability of other decks to match and surpass Fire Fist's ability to plus is just a contributing factor as to why this deck has had to change in the manner that it has.
Why Fire Fist should still be played in 3/1

Long story short, when Verz succeeds you will succeed
Analysis of 3-axis pre-ACQ Singapore and post-ACQ Singapore

Based God Vulcan (via Wikia)
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monstersWhen this card is Synchro Summoned: Target 1 face-up card on each side of the field; return those targets to the hand, but you cannot activate the effects of those cards or cards with the same name for the rest of this turn. You can only use the effect of "Beastlord Volcan" once per turn.
This guy is the MVP of the E-Dragon matchup. Play Fiendish Chain, use Volcan to Bounce whatever was the target of Chain (ie Dragosack) and Chain itself -- rinse and repeat. After two turns of this, you'll be able to put them in a form of soft lock which can only be remedied by removal such as Blaster and MST(Which is rarely maindecked and often sided at only 2!!). Sooner or later you will be able to use basic plays on 1-card fields such as a lone Big-Eye or Dragosack via Chicken into Bear into Tensu Hawk OTK and so on and so forth. Normally Dragosack would prevent such a thing from happening, but gladly Based God Vulcan and his Pimp Chains will prevent this almost entirely. This combo is the bread and butter of what one should do in the matchup vs E-Dragons, expect to see it WAY more often than you need to.
Thanks for reading my quaint little article, I hope this sheds some light on Fire Fist's role in the current metagame or affirms some thoughts you may have had about the archetype. Here is the final bit, the sideboard analysis.
Sideboard analysis and formulas
Matchup: Prophecy
Formula: -2 Blaster as removal is not imperative to this matchup and you should cut Blaster as Hunter fills its niche for grave setup along with single-handedly controlling the field. Can be used to combo with EEV. Can be used vs Elemental Dragons but I would advise only doing so when Blaster has been expended and they ss a monster that is less than 2400 (Tempest) -- but I would not advise this if you are going to be using Gozen Match and depending on circumstances can easily die to removal or a baby effect summoning an XYZ. So be wary not to summon this unless you need the grave setup or you can protect it with Fiendish Chain.
Formula: Use personal discretion -- remove all s/t removal in the Dragon matchup

Matchup: Mirror match, Six Samurai, Dragunity, Alive HEROs, Infernities, Karakuri, Hieratics and mostly rogue matchups
Formula: Use personal discretion
Matchup: Prophecy (primarily)
Formula: -2 Maxx C
Formula: Use personal discretion
Formula: Remove all s/t removal. I prefer to use this over Mind Drain as 2nd turn this is not as useful, and will at the least cause them to spend resources putting dragons on the board.
Remember to remove all s/t removal FIRST when siding for E-Dragons and Prophecy, the rest is ultimately up to your discretion.